The new shock that i ordered for the hardtail is still on Heathrow airport. Been stuck there since 23 April, possibly due to the volcano. Hope it arrives in time to be fitted and tested before i have to pack the bike to fly to Kathmandu.
The hardtail was booked for a full service (and shock-fitting) on Friday, but I'll use that slot to have the Trance looked over. It served me well on Joberg2C - there was not one mechanical, not even a puncture -
(only the shock and headset that rattled loose from the juicy downhills) - so it deserves to be thoroughly looked over and the mud, sand and beachride-salt cleared.
I rebooked the hardtail for a week later, hoping that the shock will arrive in time. The back brake also need attention, but if all else fails, i can just use the Trance's back brake. Bike is still on the other side of the Boereword-gordyn, with Donald - will go fetch it Thursday night at the Dark&Dirty - any excuse to go through to Pretoria for the ride :)
Other things on the list:
- find out what documentation needs to go with, and print and make copies
- passport photos for visas and permits
- travel insurance - should be covered by discovery and the credit card, but need to get confirmation and docs
- the packing list - what to take and what to leave
- what tyres to take, and what wheels (possibly the trance's wheels?)
- what spares to take and what to leave
- foreign currency
- postal addresses of people who might need postcards - e.g. the office :D
- get hold of a phone that can send sms & mms
- find out, and get plug-adapters for charging camera and cellphone
Ahhh - the excitement and tension of the pre ride check-lists and to-do's...