94 km; 1946 m vertical ascent in 7:15 (plus another hour penalty)
day 6, some 93 kays with 1980m of vertical ascent. a mountain pass with a festive water table at the top - here's the first views of the first climb:

an awesome downhill that went on for what - 12 km? 14?
then a fun river crossing:

an awesome little technical climbie - about 10 of that technical climbie in the corner in groenkloof - the views was just spectacular. AND i managed to climb the whole thing!
another festive water table at the top. doughnuts, chocolate, potatoes. the tandem (andre & mike) caught me here and snuck out before i could see them - but i caught them :) ... and followed their line on some nice downhills with huge bumps where gary flagged us down - climbs, rocky river beds that the tandem just cycled through (with me following the crazy line)
here's the tandem in an oak lane a few kays from the finish:

neck and back's starting to feel the climbs! but the downhills make up more than enough.
weather's been perfect: crisp in the mornings, but by the first climb it's hot enough to remove the armwarmers and jacket. started drizzling just now.
bike's holding up very well. had to tighten the headset and the shock - from all the rattling on downhills (thx spinnekop and glenn for noticing and tightenihg this for me!) front shock need some adjustments, it feels rigid-ty on the technical stuff :(
now it's only the 3 days of sani2c proper that's left. tomorrow's a rest day, with only 86 km (lots of sani2c singletrack) and only 1.1 km of ascent. the bike's very much looking forward to that, it loved the technical bitsies up till now.
adri, elsie - i'm looking forward to that run of yours on your behalf - if your vibe in the evenings are gonna be half what we have, then you're in for the time of your lives!
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