102 km, 1625 m vertical ascent in 6:40 (with another hour penalty)
perfect weather - cloudy, not too hot, and at times a light tailwind. a 'rest' day. 102 kays, with some 1600 m of climbing - and only about 1000 of descent (was payback time for yesterday's more descent, i guess)
the day started with an awesome about 40 kays of cattletrack - then a festive waterpoint, some boring-ish gravel road and a climb to die from - at least there was a great water table at the top - and Glen appearing from nowhere to lube my bike. some more singletrack and some tufties thrown in for good measure.
here's a viw halfway up one of the climbs - just after the first waterpoint, i think:

was good to be home in time to do the washing AND get it dry :)
Supersport live coverage of the event at the moment - so if you have tv, then go watch - there's free beers, so i'll have to go cheer for the people coming in.

ps - Fiona, Fatguy, Ducttape, Lickety Split - i removed your bloglists 'cos i kept reading them in stead of rehydrating / sleeping / doing washing / other ride admin - will put them back again after the ride :)
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